Clone (algebra)

In universal algebra, a clone is a set C of operations on a set A such that

Given an algebra in a signature σ, the set of operations on its carrier definable by a σ-term (the term functions) is a clone. Conversely, every clone can be realized as the clone of term functions in a suitable algebra.

If A and B are algebras with the same carrier such that every basic function of A is a term function in B and vice versa, then A and B have the same clone. For this reason, modern universal algebra often treats clones as a representation of algebras which abstracts from their signature.

There is only one clone on the one-element set. The lattice of clones on a two-element set is countable, and has been completely described by Emil Post (see Post's lattice). Clones on larger sets do not admit a simple classification; there are continuum clones on a finite set of size at least three, and 22κ clones on an infinite set of cardinality κ.

Category theory

William Lawvere's PhD thesis introduced the concept of Lawvere theory, which is the categorical equivalent of a clone.


  1. ^ Denecke, Klaus. Menger algebras and clones of terms, East-West Journal of Mathematics 5 2 (2003),179-193.